is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
We’re a group of volunteers helping the Linux community with gaming, podcasting, live streaming, and audio / video production since 2010.

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active users

Venn Stone

Intel talks ARC at CES, enables root file operations in Dolphin, brings super-slick firewall and ad-blocking to the desktop, and rolling your own metaverse with a Raspberry Pi 4.

Special thanks to:
Turnover (inc pledge)
Jpx (new patreon)
mAxius (new patreon)
chz bacon (new patreon)
Mir (twitch resub)
Massive Oni (twitch resub)

LinuxGameCastLWDW 308: We're Rooting For DolphinIntel talks about ARC at CES, KDE enables root file operations in Dolphin, Portmaster brings super-slick firewall and ad-blocking to the Linux desktop, and rolling your own metaverse with a Raspberry Pi 4.