is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
We’re a group of volunteers helping the Linux community with gaming, podcasting, live streaming, and audio / video production since 2010.

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Venn Stone

Here we have running on Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu using Proton 6.14-GE-2. No, we don't know why (or if) Easy Anti-Cheat ()is working. Our best guess is that' it's enable but not currently enforcing. Outside of that mystery it's running like a champ.

LinuxGameCastBack 4 Blood On LinuxHere we have Back 4 Blood running on Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu using Proton 6.14-GE-2. No, we don't know why (or if) Easy Anti-Cheat is working.